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  •       TransCentury Plc (“TC”) is an Investment Holding Company, headquartered in Kenya with a focus on Infrastructure specifically in the Energy, Transport, Water, Industrial, and Agriculture sectors. The Company is listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) and has investments across East, Central and Southern Africa. 

    TC invests in opportunities where the Company adds significant value through:

    ·       Driving strategy.

    ·       Operational improvement.

    ·       Efficient capital allocation.

    ·       Creation of synergies within the TC platform.  

    TC’s current priority countries are Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, DRC, Burundi, Zambia, and S. Sudan where TC has established deep relationships with key stakeholders and the markets also demonstrate commitment to infrastructure development.  

    Currently TC has invested in 5 operating businesses;

    ·       East African Cables.

    ·       AEA Limited.

    ·       Tanelec Limited.

    ·       East African Cables Tanzania.

    ·       Tanelec Limited Zambia. 

    TransCentury Plc seeks to identify and solve Africa’s Infrastructure deficiencies sustainably.